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Steven R. Levine

Steven R. Levine

The State University of New York College of Medicine, USA


Steven R Levine is a distinguished Professor of Neurology & Emergency Medicine and Vice Chairman of Neurology, College of Medicine at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY. He is also an Associate Dean for Clinical Research & Faculty Development. He completed his Neurology Residency at University of Michigan and did a 2-year stroke research fellowship. He is a Board Certified Vascular Neurology. He was the Detroit area PI for the NIH-funded NINDS rt-PA Stroke Trial that led to FDA approval of the first treatment for acute ischemic stroke-tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). He serves/served on the Editorial Boards of several peer-reviewed journals and serves as a consultant for NIH, AHA/ASA, NSA and the pharmaceutical industry. He is a local PI for 2 NIH/NINDS-funded clinical trial networks (NETT, NeuroNEXT). He has published over 175 peer-reviewed original papers, 19 case reports, 3 books, 63 book chapters, 71 reviews/invited articles and 33 editorials.


Abstract : Telemedicine for Stroke: Interaction Between the Emergency Site & Hospital