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Papadopoulos Homer

Papadopoulos Homer

National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR), Greece


Papadopoulos Homer holds a Physics degree and a Pre-PhD on telecommunications from the University of Athens and a Bio-design graduate certificate from Stanford University US. He has an MBA at Warwick University and he holds a PhD from IS/IT Department of Bath University UK. He has been working for NCSR "Demokritos" for 15 years (now under permanent contract at NCSR “D”DAT) managing various European funded Research programs within the fields of e-services, mobile services and technologies and broadband telecommunication networks. He has published several papers in journals and international conferences. Recently, he has set up a spin off private company, Syndesis Ltd., with a main focus to exploit commercially state of the art bio-medicine technologies and electronic health services.


Abstract : Designing Smart Home Environments for Unobtrusive Monitoring for Healthier Lifes: The Use Cases of USEFIL and REAAL