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Esther Arrieta-Cerdán

Esther Arrieta-Cerdán

Hospital Universitario de Burgos, Spain

Title: Applications of Telemedicine


Biography: Esther Arrieta-Cerdán


Telemedicine is a remote medical attention that could be practiced in most medical specialties. Focusing on rural and mountain medicine, there are two examples of projects carried out in the Pyrenees: SUP and STIPP. SUP (Safety and Emergencies in the Pyrenees) had as objective to improve emergency management in different scenarios like mountains, hostile areas and isolated villages. They used portable equipment and specifically worked with ECG in twelve derivations, heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory frequency and O2 saturation in real time. It transmits data by Internet and a specialist physician at hospital helps the rescue team or GP make decisions. The SUP project has improved quality of life in rural areas, optimized limited resources management and enhanced safety and quality in Pyrenees tourism. STIPP (Transfrontier Information System for Prevention in the Pyrenees) objectives are to improve people’s safety in critical situations in cross-border mountains until specialized assistance arrival and to improve risk prevention in Pyrenees by the creation of a transfrontier information system. It gives an instant distribution of information on acts of nature in the mountains, weather information and geo-location by satellite alert system. They have a telemedicine “go” bag placed in mountain shelters and a computer submersible up to 1m, humidity, cold and knock resistant with an anti-glare touch screen. To sum up, telemedicine is a new way of organizing and planning human and material resources, an excellent tool in extra-hospital assistance and guarantees care access and continuity for all patients.